Toyota Family Trails is an adventure brought to life thanks to a partnership between the National Center for Families Learning and Toyota. Established in 1989, NCFL’s services and resources reached more than four million people in 2014. We believe that all parents —regardless of socioeconomic or educational level — can help their children succeed in school and in life. As a nation, we need to make the most of the time parents have with our children, with the 7,800 hours children spend out of school each year (compared to 900 hours in school). Families — no matter the composition — are the one constant across a lifetime of educational experiences, but family engagement in education doesn’t happen on its own. NCFL supports families learning together, bridging the gap in education that often exists between school, home, and community.

At Family Trails, we believe your family is the best teacher your child will ever have – and the world around us is the ultimate classroom. The content you find on our site will be designed to spark family learning through exploration. Over time, our goal is to collect and curate contributions from a diverse community of families sharing how they learn together. Together, we hope to inspire parents and kids to let imagination and exploration lead them on a daily adventure through the world around them and the classroom of life.
