Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

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Story by Gina Schlosser

Schlosser Family: Summer Living

Hello! We're the Schlosser family from Denver, Colorado -- Adam, Gina, Mia (age 5), and Millie (age 3). We really love exploring the outdoors and learning new things. As the mom, I'm usually the one photographing our adventures and documenting them in our family journal.

Story by Mahliya Montgomery

Montgomery Family: The Perfect Labor Day

Our family took a day trip to Santa Cruz for Labor Day. We wanted to get back to nature, but it was also an excuse for me to catch up with one of my closest friends I hadn't seen in years. We had planned on heading out early so that we could go for a hike before hitting the beach, but we all had a hard time getting up and ended up leaving later than planned.

Story by Paige Cortes

Cortes Family: Just Keep Walking

Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? Silly question, I know. Do you know that part in the movie where Dory keeps saying, "Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming!" over and over? I hope so. Switch out swimming with walking and that is our hiking motto.