Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

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Story by Rebecca Darling

Darling Family: Texas Road Trip

Of all the amazing places I have taken my kids on vacation, it has never been about the WHERE – it's always about the WHO.

Story by Ralph DeFelice

DeFelice Family: Crystal Cove

I love taking the kids to the beach, but in Los Angeles, going to the beach can sometimes be a struggle. Traffic, parking, crowds, and really not much to do once you're there. I get bored in a minute just sitting on the beach. I want to go somewhere, discover something and so do the kids. (Usually.) If a day at the beach is going to be a day of adventure and exploration, it means leaving the city beaches of Los Angeles behind and heading out of town.

Story by Hannah Carpenter

Carpenter Family: Mountain View

Over the last three years of homeschooling my kids, one of the biggest lessons I've realized is that learning and teaching often happens best when we aren't actually at home.