Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

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Story by Hannah Carpenter

Carpenter Family: Heifer International

If you've never lived in or traveled around Arkansas, you might have a somewhat shortsighted perception of The Natural State. I would imagine the generalization to go something like this: uneducated, simple, unreasonably conservative, and then probably a bit about Bill Clinton thrown in there for good measure.

Story by Ralph DeFelice

DeFelice Family: Biking in the San Gabriel Mountains

I'll be the first to admit that sometimes our family adventures can be a little bit extreme for the average family looking to get outside for the day.

Story by Sheena Tatum

Tatum Family: Picking Strawberries

I'll admit it. I have high and sometimes unrealistic expectations for summer vacations and activities. Having lived in the Midwest my entire life, I'm conditioned to want to bust out of the joint every summer.