Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

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Explore our most recent stories.

Story by Keila Leist

Leist Family - Wehr Nature Center

I remember when our older son Gabriel was just a few weeks old. I used to wrap him up snugly inside the baby wrap and walk around our neighborhood until he fell asleep. I think he loved hearing the sounds of the leaves in the wind, the cars slowly driving by and the smell of fresh air.

Story by Family Trails

New to Family Trails: Monthly Themes

New to FamilyTrails... monthly themes! Click to see the theme for November and learn about how to join in.

Story by Hannah Carpenter

Carpenter Family: Museum of Discovery

This has been an interesting month for our family. We moved houses. Our new house is just a couple miles from our old one, but for those who have moved with multiple children, you know distance doesn't make it much easier. Moving is ROUGH! I had forgotten just how rough until we were in the final stages of packing, at that point when "stuff" seemed to multiply like Gremlins. But we did it!