Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

Latest Adventures

Explore our most recent stories.

Story by Marlene Lin

Lin Family - Fort Worden State Park

When deciding where to adventure as a family, we usually search the web to find nearby places of interests. They can range from museums to national parks to beaches to historic buildings to factories to local parks. Everywhere our family goes together becomes a learning experience. New experiences prompt questions and discussions that are a natural part of our children's education.

Story by Brenda Bird

Bird Family - Discovery Park

A couple of weeks after we welcomed our sweet baby Madeleine, we decided to take a walk at Discovery Park, a park a couple of blocks from our home in Seattle. The park is huge, and we've only seen a sliver of it. I had been feeling disconnected from my family since I was busy tending to our newborn and trying to recover from a C-section whilst in zombie mode.

Story by Family Trails

Over the River and Through the Woods

December's storytelling prompt is a celebration of the season. Click to learn more about how to join in the fun!