Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

Latest Adventures

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Story by Juliana Calory

Calory Family: Silver Lake State Park

We woke up to a very sunny winter day on the third morning of the new year and decided to hop in the car and go explore Silver Lake State Park, a state park we had heard about in New Hampshire. When we arrived, the sun was shining bright over the lake and it was just beautiful.

Story by Jessie Emslie

Emslie Family: Two Kids in Tow

It was our first snowy hike as a family. Although not strangers to Colorado, the concept of intentionally hiking through inches upon inches of snow - with a toddler, no less - was one we hadn't really considered until after our move to the state earlier in the year.

Story by Family Trails

January Theme: One New Thing

Introducing 2016's first storytelling prompt! Join us on Instagram.