Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

Latest Adventures

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Story by August Casson

Casson Family: Ski Snowstar

This past weekend, I took my four-year-old son skiing for the first time. Being an avid skier myself, I thought it would be fun to see if this new experience would be something he also enjoyed.

Story by Nick Haskins

Haskins Family: Grandfather Mountain

Most of our adventures are done as an entire family, but on this particular occasion the length of the hike meant that Parker (our youngest) would have to stay behind. He typically does pretty well, and hikes at least six miles if the trail isn't strenuous. This trail, however, was a summit push to the top of Grandfather Mountain, which would prove too strenuous for our littlest one.

Story by Family Trails

February Theme: Storytelling

Join in on our February social theme challenge!