Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

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Story by Family Trails

February Round Up: Storytelling

Family Trails is built on story, which is why storytelling was the theme of our February challenge! Click through to read more.

Story by Carissa Solis-David

Solis-David Family: A Day in Chiberia

Just this week, we received a rude awakening – a cold front! She came to us like a swift punch to the nose. The weather in Chicago has been oddly milder this winter, but as we all know, many of life's joys are momentary and we must seize them with much enthusiasm while they last. We have been inside all week.

Story by Joy Hequibal

Hequibal Family: Memory Building

Every day, we are presented with a choice on how we spend our time. We can either miss the moments or cherish them. I now understand what other mothers mean when they say, "the days are long, but the years are short so enjoy your children while they're young, because they grow up so quickly."