Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

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Story by Jessica Curren

Curren Family: Voyageurs National Park

My husband and I looked at the map of Minnesota together one night after the kids were in bed. We had a few places picked out to visit and a general route, but we had some extra time and were deciding how to spend it.

Story by Bethany Baird

Baird Family: Our Family Mission

I read this quote from Ryan Leak, "Become today who you intend to be tomorrow. The bridge between who you are and who you want to become is simply courage. At some point you've just got to wake up and make a decision to get over the pile of excuses you've built up in your head for not being the person you really want to be."

Story by Family Trails

April Theme: Creativity

April is a month of renewal, of budding trees and buzzing bees! It's an inspiring time to be alive, so this month we're asking you to share your creative side. Whether trying a new craft together inside, or making something new as a family, we want to see your creative side.