Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

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Story by Jessie Emslie

Emslie Family: Hiking Lessons

"Lukey's climbing this big rock! Look! Lukey's climbing!" We are less than a half mile into our hike and Luke has already pulled over to the side of the trail a half dozen times to look at a cactus, examine a footprint in the dirt, or, in this case, climb the boulders that line this particular part of the trail. It's a good thing our loop is only two miles, or we'd be spending the night with whatever animal left its prints in the dirt.

Story by Sarah Murdock

Murdock Family: Eagle River Nature Center

The Eagle River Nature Center is just down the road from us. Along the trails, there are signs teaching about the different wildlife and how glaciers move and shape the earth. My girls and I love going there and learning new things. Recently, I have started bring books about moose, bears or other wildlife with us on the trails to aid in their learning.

Story by Family Trails

May Theme: Earth

Spring is in full swing, and we're challenge families to get out and shoot with the earth in mind! Read on for details.