Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

Latest Adventures

Explore our most recent stories.

Story by Sara McNeely

McNeely Family: Road Trip to the Black Hills

As the school year came to a close, we were craving some adventure in our lives.

Story by Daren Redekopp

Redekopp Family: Adventuring in the Canadian Rockies

As my wife, four boys, and I packed into our van for two weeks of exploring the Canadian Rockies, I was looking not for escape, but access, to the innocent awe of my sons.

Story by Nicolle Rogers

Rogers Family: Yosemite In A Day

The other day we did a quick day-trip to Yosemite. It takes about three hours to get there, and let me tell you it is well worth the drive.