Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

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Story by Family Trails

February Winners: #FT_RAOK

February's #FT_RAOK theme was a total hit. Click through to see this month's lucky winners.

Story by Andrea Laughery

Laughery Family: Snowshoeing at Hurricane Ridge

By the time we pulled into the parking lot at Hurricane Ridge, the world around us felt like a snow globe, the wind slamming frigid ice crystals in gusts upon the windshield. We eyed one another, seriously considering just turning around to head home, but instead gave each other a fist bump and decided we were going to make the best of the weather and snowshoe as long as we could.

Story by Mariela Mariscal

Mariscal Family: Santa Barbara Botanic Garden

Living in the Los Angeles area allows us to go from deserts to mountains to the ocean, all within an hour's drive.