Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

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Story by Sophie Pirlot

Pirlot Family: Cederberg National Park

Cederberg is a national park full of mountains, large sandy areas, rivers, waterfalls and wonderful landscapes.

Story by Kenya Edwards

Edwards Family: Mt. Rainer in a Day

"Wake up, Wake up!" the most common phrase used in a house of seven. This was the day of our monthly family outing and we had decided to visit Mt. Rainer.

Story by Arika Bauer

Bauer Family: The Perfect Weekend

There is a trail just a mile from my parent's house that is a favorite of mine. In the summer, I try to do make this hike two or three times a week. But with the cold weather and business of the holidays, it had been months since I had visited.