Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

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Story by Lanessa Pierce

Pierce Family: Chasing Waterfalls

We are a family on the go. The daily hustle and bustle often finds us wanting connection, and the best way we do that is by getting out to enjoy the beauty of southern Oregon. Always a go-to for us, waterfall hunting in our local area is one of our favorite things to do.

Story by Rachel Sanchez

Sanchez Family: Hiking Stairs Gulch

I take the tiny hand of my 13-month old daughter, Mila, who refuses to ride in her carrier, and begin up the trail. My toddler, Lilli, and husband trail behind as Lilli picks up every interesting rock, plant, and insect that she finds. I love these days where we have nowhere to be and we can indulge in every bit of curiosity that the girls express.

Story by Kate Walser

Walser Family: Living Wild

If I had to pick one word that summed up the last eight months of travel with five kiddos, it would be: WILD. The choice to leave our home state, get rid of 90 percent of our possessions, sell a beautiful house we have dwelled in for the past twelve years, work on the road, and school all my babies (minus one who is in her freshman year of college) – WILD, right?