Story by

Family Trails

December 2nd, 2015

We began something new and exciting this November: #FamilyTrailsTales. Each month we will pose a question or prompt. Throughout the month we will share our favorites on social and feature an end-of-month round up on It's time for the November round-up! The question was: What family adventure are you most thankful for this year? Why was it so meaningful to you?

We received some very beautifully captured stories of family memories that we are beyond proud to share today on our blog!

"When we go outside, even when it's freezing cold, we are pushing our limits. I've spent too many years of adulthood staying indoors where it's warm and safe. Comfort feels good temporarily, but real growth comes from pushing into discomfort. I will always encourage my girls to play outside, regardless of the weather, because I want them to grow up to be strong, resilient, and always curious. Today we saw a large bird carrying prey in its talons and setting up for lunch between a pair of evergreens. Winter walks allow us to see a different side of nature that we don't always see on perfectly sunny days." - Kate, TheStreamlinedLife

"At this time of year my to-do list often seems insurmountably large. I'm thankful for wide rushing creeks, giant boulders, and little adventurers with big brave spirits who help recalibrate my sense of scale and make my own heart swell." - Elissa, ElissaBrodt

"In response to FamilyTrails November prompt, the adventure I'm most thankful for this year was our 5-day family bike trip w/ Western Spirit from Island Park Idaho to Grand Teton National Park. Not only were we off the grid for most of the trip, a rare occasion in our world, but it ended in the place my hubs and I took our first trip together in 1996. To bring our kids back 19 years later was profound." – Heather, MomFari

"Feeling thankful tonight reminiscing about our first family trip to Nashville and Bowling Green a few months ago. That was just the beginning of many family trips for us. I'm thankful God blessed us to take that trip. We are anxious to plan our next one!" – Jana, HomegrownMitchells

"45/42: Our Favorite Spot | I'm cheating on our weekly pictures this week since this one was taken when it was still light out after 5pm.. but for good reason. We are especially thankful for the Montour Preserve after they had to raise roughly $100,000 needed to keep the property, trails, pavilions and Environmental Education Center up and running for just this year alone." – Emily, emmmhontz

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